The version for mobile devices. |
Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky.“Shall I inform you, (O people,) upon whom the Shayatin [devils] descend? They descend upon every lying, sinful person. Who gives ear [to the devils and they pour what they may have heard of the unseen from the angels], and most of them are liars. As for the poets — the erring follow them. Seest thou not that they speak about every subject in their poetry and that they say that which they do not? Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and remember Allah much, and reply back [in poetry] to the unjust poetry [which the pagan poets utter against the Muslims]. And those who do wrong will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned.” — Surah “The Poets”.
This publication presents selected poems and songs of Vladimir Vysotsky, some songs of other authors performed by him and a selection of poems and songs about him, and also a number of poems and songs consonant with his poetry.
Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky.“If I breathe, this fact means that I love! If I love, this fact means that I live!” — Vladimir Vysotsky.
П«Какъ призывный набатъ, прозвучали въ ночи тяжело шаги...»ѣсня о новомъ времени. |
A Song about the New Time.“Like a toll of the bell, late at night heavy footsteps resounded...” |
С«Сегодня не слышно біенья сердецъ...»ыновья уходятъ въ бой. |
Our Sons Go to the Battle.“Now no one can hear the pulsations of the hearts...” |
О«Почему все не такъ? Вродѣ все какъ всегда...»нъ не вернулся изъ боя. |
He Was Shot in the Fighting.“All goes wrong, although nothing has changed here of late...” |
We’re Turning the Earth.“From the frontier, we made the earth turn in reverse...” |
П«Въ дорогу — живо, или въ гробъ ложись!..»риговоренные къ жизни. |
Condemned to Life.“Man, take the road, or sink into the grave!..” |
A Song about the End of the War.“They’re making long tables of boards in the yard...” |
A Song about the Earth.“Is the Earth, as they say, burnt and dried?..” |
Hunting for Wild Boars.“Now the mud is too thick and impassable...” |
П«На границѣ съ Турціей или съ Туркестаномъ...»ѣсня о нейтральной полосѣ. |
A Song about the Neutral Zone.“On the Turkish or, perhaps, Turkestani border...” |
РАЙСКІЙ АЭРОДРОМЪ.«Мы летали подъ Богомъ, возлѣ самаго Рая...» |
THE HEAVENLY AIRFIELD.“Close to God we were flying, near Garden of Eden...” |
A Song about the Fallen Friend.“All the war I was longing...” |
SERVING THE ELEMENTS.“One serving the Four Elements shouldn’t be in a bustle...” |
A Hymn to the Sea and the Mountains.“Look, Fortune by herself has set the weather for our trip...” |
The Mist.“There are numerous marvels after this mist’s bewilderment...” |
The White Silence.“It’s in each and all centuries been thus on this earth...” |
To My Friends.“I haven’t discovered what is worthy on the Dry Land...” |
Ч«Былъ штормъ — канаты рвали кожу съ рукъ...»еловѣкъ за бортомъ. |
Man Overboard.“The rugged wind with hellish screeches sang...” |
A Ballad of the Ship’s Boy.“The rise was rose-colored and diverting...” |
A Farewell.“Having stayed for a while, ships put out to sea...” |
С«Вы въ огнѣ да и въ морѣ вовѣки не сыщете брода...»тановись морякомъ. |
Become a Seaman.“One won’t find a fordway in the fire, as well in the ocean...” |
Б«Капитана въ тотъ день называли на ты...»аллада о брошенномъ кораблѣ. |
A Ballad of the Abandoned Ship.“On that day each one said to the captain ‘Hey, man!..’” |
П«Въ суету городовъ и въ потоки машинъ...»рощаніе съ горами. |
A Farewell to the Mountains.“To the bustle of towns and the noise of thronged streets...” |
In the Mountains.“The mountains differ a lot from the plain...” |
Б«Замокъ временемъ срытъ и укутанъ, укрытъ...»аллада о времени. |
A Ballad of Time.“Time has brought down the castle and covered with grass...” |
П«Приподнимемъ чуточку за краешекъ...»ѣсня объ обиженномъ Времени. |
A Song about Hurt Time.“Let us lift the curtain at least a little bit...” |
БАЛЛАДА О БОРЬБѢ.«Только въ грезы нельзя насовсѣмъ убѣжать...» |
A BALLAD OF FIGHTING.“But one can’t live forever in his make-believe...” |
The Famous Regiment.“The colonel kissed the colors’ honored silk...” |
Б«Средь оплывшихъ свѣчей и вечернихъ молитвъ...»аллада о книжныхъ дѣтяхъ. |
A Ballad of the Children of Books.“In the world of burnt candles and obligatory prayers...” |
Б«Торопись — тощій грифъ надъ страною кружитъ!..»аллада о ненависти. |
A Ballad of Hatred.“When ye visit your forest this spring, ye will see...” |
An Eastern Parable.“Through all times — preceding, next and present...” |
A Ballad of the Free Archers.“If it’s happed that ye’re sold out...” |
О«Кто кончилъ жизнь трагически, тотъ истинный поэтъ...» фатальныхъ датахъ и цифрахъ. |
On Fatal Dates and Figures.“It’s known that a true poet meets a tragic culmination...” |
Tin Soldiers.“Still, there will be verse and mathematics...” |
В«Запоминайте: примѣты — это ерунда...»ооруженъ и очень опасенъ. |
Armed and Very Dangerous.“Keep it in mind: all signs don’t matter very much...” |
П«Истома ящерицей ползаетъ въ костяхъ...»ѣсня конченаго человѣка. |
The Goner’s Song.“There in my bones, just like a lizard, crawls prostration...” |
П«Была пора — я рвался въ первый рядъ...»ѣсня про первые ряды. |
A Song about the First Lines.“I strove for the first lines in bygone days...” |
The Mystery of Hippies.“We’ve left our homes for good and all...” |
MY HAMLET.“Sometime neat Truth will distinctly be in the ascendant...” |
П«Нѣжная Правда въ красивыхъ одеждахъ ходила...»ритча о Правдѣ и Лжи. |
A Parable of Truth and Lie.“Delicate Truth took a walk in a lovely apparel...” |
There’s a Rock in the Steppe.“There’s a rock in the steppe...” |
CHANCES.“And all around, our chances fly nearby, like bullets...” |
Be Thankful.“Don’t care if thou’rt a nail and not a hammer...” |
В«О вкусахъ не спорятъ: есть тысяча мнѣній...»се относительно. |
Everything Is Relative.“Each man to his taste: there are thousands of notions...” |
П«Стоялъ тотъ домъ, всѣмъ жителямъ знакомый...»ѣсня о старомъ домѣ. |
A Song of the Old House.“There stood a house known to the citizens all round...” |
ДОРОЖНАЯ ИСТОРІЯ.«Мой финишъ — горизонтъ, а это — край земли.» |
A ROAD STORY.“My target’s the horizon, the border of the earth.” |
П«Отбросивъ прочь свой деревянный посохъ...»ѣсня автомобилиста. |
The Motorist’s Song.“I threw my tested for long years staff off...” |
The Horizon.“The highway’s swept and washed, and I want you to curse...” |
About a Car Crash.“Maybe, ye’re crossing a road, safe and sound...” |
УГОЛОВНЫЙ КОДЕКСЪ.«Все ерунда, кромѣ суда самаго страшнаго.» |
THE CRIMINAL CODE.“One really can dare in our foe’s care — but till the Last Judgment Day.” |
С«У меня гитара есть — разступитесь, стѣны!..»еребряныя струны. |
The Silver Strings.“As I carry my guitar — walls, do separate!..” |
The Meter’s Ticking.“He said to us, ‘She verily is mine!’...” |
Т«Въ тотъ вечеръ я не пилъ, не пѣлъ...»отъ, кто раньше съ нею былъ. |
He, Who Was with Her Before.“I neither drank nor sang that night...” |
А«Передо мной любой факиръ — ну просто карликъ...»ппелляція. |
An Appeal.“There’s no fakir on Earth who could be my companion...” |
The Criminal Code.“Films touch not us, nor do it any prose...” |
П«Натъ Пинкертонъ — вотъ съ дѣтства мой кумиръ...»ѣсня сыщика. |
The Detective’s Song.“Nat Pinkerton’s a sleuth no one can beat...” |
WE HAVE GONE.“Sonny, listen to a tale, which wasn’t ever in print...” |
ПI. Слушай сказку, сынокъ... |
THE ESCAPE.I. Sonny, listen to a tale... |
Life Was Rushing.“I’m from Rostov the Great, and I’m a foundling...” |
МОЯ ЦЫГАНСКАЯ.«Нѣтъ, ребята, все не такъ! Все не такъ, ребята...» |
MY GYPSY SONG.“All is wrong beneath the moon, wrong and quite appalling!” |
Р«Въ тиши перевала, гдѣ скалы вѣтрамъ не помѣха...»азстрѣлъ горнаго эха. |
The Execution of the Mountain Echo.“Close to the dry stars, where the daredevils seek for their Mecca...” |
Г«Шелъ я, брелъ я, наступалъ то съ пятки, то съ носка...»русть моя, тоска моя. |
My Distress, My Sorrow.“I was walking, stepping first as on the heel as on the toe...” |
Ц«Камнемъ грусть виситъ на мнѣ, въ омутъ меня тянетъ...»ыганская пѣсня. |
A Gypsy Song.“Like a stone, hangs on my neck that melancholy damned...” |
THE MESSENGER.“And went out all the sadness that formerly was there...” |
The Messenger.“From behind distant hills, I know not where are those hills...” |
М«Вотъ послалъ Господь родителямъ сыночка...»ореплаватель-одиночка. |
The Navigator Single.“Once the Lord sent to some parents an odd sonny...” |
Я«Я изъ дѣла ушелъ, изъ такого хорошаго дѣла!..» изъ дѣла ушелъ. |
I Abandoned My Deal.“I abandoned my deal, though the business was quite advantageous...” |
ЖИЛЪ-БЫЛЪ ЧЕЛОВѢКЪ.«Онъ обиды зачерпнулъ полныя пригоршни...» |
THERE WAS ONCE A MAN.“In offense he walked knee-deep, sometimes was submerged he...” |
Paradise Apples.“Once I’ll certainly die, each of us reaches this destination...” |
ПѢСНЯ О РОССІИ.«Купола въ Россіи кроютъ чистымъ золотомъ...» |
A SONG OF ROSSIA.“In Rossia, cupolas are with pure gold covered...” |
The Wooden Clothing.“We’re more often jovial than filled with hate and loathing...” |
A Ballad of the Past.“I’m afraid I don’t know the precise...” |
О«Неправда, надъ нами не бездна, не мракъ...» знакахъ зодіака. |
About Signs of the Zodiac.“It’s lie that above us the gulf or the dark...” |
A Song about Notes.“I’ve come to know about the notes in full...” |
A Ballad of the Bath-House.“Send Thy blessing and absolution...” |
П«Тѣ вѣруютъ Мухаммаду, а эти — Іисусу...»ѣсенка о переселеніи душъ. |
A Song about the Transmigration of Souls.“Some people trust Muhammad, and some — Jesus for salvation...” |
ВЪ НАШЕЙ ЖИЗНИ МНОГО СТОРОНЪ.«Какъ честныхъ угадать навѣрняка мнѣ?» |
OUR LIFE HAS LOTS OF EDGES.“How to discern fair people with precision?” |
At the Masquerade.“I want to be awakened with all my soul...” |
About the Chinese Problem.“There are many so different nations on the Earth...” |
Don’t Be Sad!“If it’s happed that thou feel’st like hell...” |
The Envious Man’s Song.“My neighbour knows each corner in our land...” |
A Letter to “Incredible but True”.“Dearest television program!..” |
ВЪ НѢКОТОРОМЪ ЦАРСТВѢ.«Въ королевствѣ, гдѣ всегда было ладно...» |
IN A FARAWAY KINGDOM.“In a kingdom, where all was neat and quiet...” |
П«Въ королевствѣ, гдѣ всегда было ладно...»ѣсня о королевскомъ стрѣлкѣ. |
A Song about the King’s Shooter.“In a kingdom, where all was neat and quiet...” |
П«Прохода нѣтъ отъ этихъ начитанныхъ болвановъ...»ѣсня Гогера-Могера. |
The Song of Goger-Moger.“There’s no way of those well-read blockheads...” |
П«Я былъ такимъ, какъ вся дворовая шпана...»ро Сережку Ѳомина. |
About Sergey Thomin.“I grew up like all others pre-war youngsters...” |
Г«Изъ класса въ классъ мы вверхъ пойдемъ, какъ по ступенямъ...»ѵмнъ школѣ. |
A Hymn to School.“From class to class, we’ll go up as if on stairs...” |
М«Когда провалишься сквозь землю отъ стыда...»аршъ антиподовъ. |
The Antipodes’ March.“If it befalls the earth has swallowed thou up...” |
The King’s Procession.“We’re tight, bold and brave in our mighty formation...” |
СКАЗКА О ЛѢСНЫХЪ ЖИТЕЛЯХЪ.«На краю края земли, гдѣ небо ясное...» |
A TALE ABOUT THE WOOD DWELLERS.“At the world’s end, where the sky is free of clouds...” |
С«На краю края земли, гдѣ небо ясное...»казка о несчастныхъ лѣсныхъ жителяхъ. |
A Tale about the Ill-Fated Wood Dwellers.“At the world’s end, where the sky is free of clouds...” |
A Song-Tale about the Evil Forces.“There’s a thick protected forest...” |
THE DEMON DRINK.“It turned out that my health disappeared...” |
П«У вина достоинства, говорятъ, цѣлебныя...»ѣсня-сказка про джинна. |
A Song-Tale about the Djinni.“Wine’s quite healthy, people say, doctors recommend it...” |
П«Ой, гдѣ былъ я вчера — не найду, хоть убей...»утешествіе въ прошлое. |
A Travel to the Past.“Oh, that house where I was — I wouldn’t find it again...” |
THE NATURE RESERVE.“In a national reserve — I’ve forgotten its name...” |
Б«Трубятъ рога: „Скорѣй, скорѣй!..“»аллада о короткомъ счастьѣ. |
A Ballad of Short Happiness.“They blow the horns, ‘Make haste, make haste!..’” |
П«Въ заповѣдникѣ — вотъ въ какомъ, забылъ...»ѣсня-басня про Козла отпущенія. |
A Song-Fable about the Scapegoat.“In a national reserve — I’ve forgotten its name...” |
П«Жили-были въ Индіи съ древней старины...»ѣсня про бѣлаго слона. |
A Song about the White Elephant.“Far away in India, since the ancient times...” |
П«„Ѕмѣи, ѕмѣи кругомъ — будь имъ пусто!..“»ѣсенка про мангустовъ. |
A Song about the Mongooses.“‘Down with snakes! They’re indeed right and left there!..’” |
The Sea-Gull.“O’er the dark blue sea wave, there’s an ordinary flight of gulls soaring...” |
The Nature Reserve.“With animal droves, are swarming the woods...” |
КОНИ ПРИВЕРЕДЛИВЫЕ.«Но что-то кони мнѣ попались привередливые...» |
THE WAYWARD HORSES.“But my horses are so wayward, can’t do anything with it...” |
К«Вдоль обрыва, по-надъ пропастью, по самому я краю...»они привередливые. |
The Wayward Horses.“There’s a precipice beside me, on the brink of it I’m driving...” |
ОI. Погоня. («Во хмелю слегка...») |
BLACK EYES.I. The Chase. (“Driving through the woods...”) |
КТО ЗА ЧѢМЪ БѢЖИТЪ.«Красота: среди бѣгущихъ первыхъ нѣтъ и отстающихъ...» |
WHO FOR WHAT RUNS.“How it’s good when a beginner can be sure he’ll be the winner...” |
The Goalkeeper.“Yes, today I’m at my best, it’s not fallacious...” |
П«Мячъ затаился въ стриженой травѣ...»ѣсня про праваго инсайда. |
A Song about the Right Insider.“In the short grass, the ball keeps a low profile...” |
П«Какъ спортъ — поднятье тяжестей не ново...»ѣсня штангиста. |
The Weightlifter’s Song.“Weightlifting’s not a recent innovation...” |
The Long-Jumper’s Song.“What is it? Why do fans cry so loud?..” |
П«Разбѣгъ, толчекъ... И стыдно подыматься...»ѣсня прыгуна въ высоту. |
The High-Jumper’s Song.“I run, I push... And what a shame, by heaven!..” |
The Sentimental Boxer’s Song.“A bang, a bang, once more a bang...” |
Who For What Runs.“Four champions are running on the course...” |
The Tightrope Walker.“He didn’t ever for rank or for height hope...” |
ПѢСНЯ О ДРУЖБѢ.«Не знаю, какъ другіе, а я вѣрю, вѣрю въ друзей!» |
A SONG ABOUT FRIENDSHIP.“I judge not others, but I most sincerely believe in friends!” |
A Song about Friendship.“It happed so that our ways-roads are laid apart...” |
A Song about a Friend.“If ye’ve found someone new near you...” |
A BALLAD OF LOVE.“Art thou ready for Eden with me in a hut...” |
П«Какъ смогла не броситься, Марьюшка, въ рѣку ты...»ѣсня Марьюшки. |
The Song of Mar’yushka.“Where didst find thou, Mar’yushka, the strength to overcome it...” |
We Are Waiting for You.“It’s happened so that the men are gone out...” |
Б«Какой былъ балъ! Накалъ движенья, звука, нервовъ...»ѣлый вальсъ. |
The White Waltz.“Oh, what a ball was! Nerves, motion, sound were at the height...” |
A Ballad of Love.“When waters of the Great Flood reacquired...” |
A Lyrical Song.“Here spruce-branches shiver, suspended in sleep...” |
The Crystal House.“If King Neptune’s wealth belongs to me...” |
As for nice girls, they’re loved more often and fervently... |
A SAD LOVE SONG.“I’ll buy you any fancy gowns, and hats, and roses...” |
Catherine.“Give me a glance! My heart is broken, dear Catherine...” |
ДI. Она была чиста, какъ снѣгъ зимой... |
TWO LOVE SONGS.I. She was so beautiful, so stately and so grand... |
СЕМЕЙНЫЯ ДѢЛА.«Придержи свое мнѣніе: я глава — вѣдь мужчина я!» |
FAMILY AFFAIRS.“Man’s the boss and the principal, wife’s obedient and cordial!” |
С«А ну, отдай мой каменный топоръ!..»емья въ каменномъ вѣкѣ. |
A Family in the Stone Age.“Thou, silly, give me back my stone ax!..” |
С«Какъ-то вечеромъ патриціи...»емейныя дѣла въ Древнемъ Римѣ. |
Family Affairs in Ancient Rome.“Once patricians, in the evening...” |
П«Сто сарацинъ убито мной въ угоду ей...»ро любовь въ средніе вѣка. |
About Love in the Middle Ages.“I killed a hundred Saracens to glorify my dame...” |
П«Можетъ быть, кварту бьянкелло...»ро любовь въ эпоху Возрожденія. |
About Love in the Renaissance Epoch.“Once a dispirited painter...” |
A Dialogue in front of the Television.“‘Look, Vanya, honey, at these funny clowns!..’” |
DEAR FELLOWS SCIENTISTS.“Don’t send your little one to the physics college...” |
М«Тропы еще въ антиміръ не протоптаны...»аршъ студентовъ-фѵзиковъ. |
The Physical Students’ March.“Paths to the antiworld aren’t trodden even now...” |
М«Сильно захотѣвъ того, все жъ вы насъ не поймете...»аршъ космическихъ негодяевъ. |
The Space Villains’ March.“You won’t ever trust me, nor just grasp our situation...” |
Л«Не отдавайте въ фѵзики дѣтей...»екція о состояніи современной науки. |
A Lecture on the State of Modern Science.“Don’t send your little ones to the physics college...” |
ПѢСНЯ ОБЪ АНТИСЕМИТАХЪ.«Рѣшилъ я — и, значитъ, кому-то быть битымъ.» |
A SONG ABOUT THE ANTI-SEMITES.“As there’s a decision, some ones will be battered.” |
П«Чѣмъ воромъ считаться, а то и бандитомъ...»ѣсня объ антисемитахъ. |
A Song about the Anti-Semites.“To go on the highway, no strong reason see I...” |
THE INTERRUPTED FLIGHT.“Someone spotted a fruit that was green...” |
The Interrupted Flight.“Someone spotted a fruit that was green...” |
М«Мой черный человѣкъ въ костюмѣ сѣромъ!..»ой черный человѣкъ. |
The Appeal.“I can read ‘Dorian Gray’ or ‘Faustus’, however...” |
I Write to You.“My dear correspondents, thank you warmly...” |
Songs of Other Authors Performed by Vladimir Vysotsky.“We have the greatest, the best poetry in the world.” — Vladimir Vysotsky.
П«Цыганка съ картами — дорога дальная...»о мотивамъ тюремныхъ пѣсенъ. Таганка. |
On the basis of prison songs. Taganka.“An old Gypsy with cards... Soon there’ll be a long trail...” |
І«Товарищъ Сталинъ, вы — большой ученый...»осифъ Алешковскій. Письмо Сталину. |
Iosif Aleshkovsky. A Letter to Stalin.“You comrade Stalin is an earnest scientist...” |
Д«Ахъ, поле, поле, поле...»аѵидъ Самойловъ. Солдатская пѣсня. |
David Samoylov. A Soldier Song.“Ah, thou field, ah, thou field!..” |
П«Мететъ поземокъ, въ крупныхъ хлопьяхъ...»ьеръ-Жанъ Беранже. Нищая. |
Pierre-Jean de Béranger. The Beggar-Woman.“Where the snowflakes whirl over yonder flags...” |
Ivan Turgenev. On the Road.“Gray is the morning, the morning is misty...” |
Я«Если я заболѣю, къ врачамъ обращаться не стану...»рославъ Смѣляковъ. Если я заболѣю. |
Yaroslav Smelyakov. If I’m Suddenly Sick.“If I’m suddenly sick, I’ll refuse to appeal to the doctors...” |
Sergey Yesenin. The Orphan.“Masha has a harsh stepmother...” |
Poems and Songs on Vladimir Vysotsky.“The Poet’s dead! — a slave to honor...” — Mikhail Lermontov.
Б«О Володѣ Высоцкомъ я пѣсню придумать рѣшилъ...»улатъ Окуджава. О Володѣ Высоцкомъ. |
Bulat Okudzhava. On Volodya Vysotsky.“I was going to write a good song on Volodya Vysotsky...” |
Н«Кони, кони, кони, кони...»еизвѣстный авторъ. На смерть Владиміра Высоцкаго. |
Anonymous. On the Death of Vladimir Vysotsky.“Horses, horses, horses, horses...” |
И«Какъ мы дружили, какъ рядомъ шли...»горь Кохановскій. Больше не встрѣчу. |
Igor Kokhanovsky. Shan’t Meet Again.“How good friends were we, how closely walked...” |
Ю«Пишу тебѣ, Володя, съ Садоваго кольца...»рій Визборъ. Письмо. |
Yury Vizbor. A Letter.“I write to thee, Volodya, these words from the Garden Ring...” |
This site is created by Last modified on March 13, 2025.Akbar MuhammadLast modified on March 13, 2025..Last modified on March 13, 2025.