Версія для мобильныхъ устройствъ.http://akbarmuhammad.awardspace.co.uk/m.poems/indexru.html. |
Стихи и пѣсни Владиміра Высоцкаго.«Не сообщить ли Мнѣ вамъ, (о люди,) на кого нисходятъ шайтаны? Нисходятъ они на всякаго погрязшаго въ грѣхахъ лжеца! Они бросаютъ подслушанное (на небѣ прорицателямъ), и большинство ихъ являются лжецами. И поэты — за ними слѣдуютъ заблудшіе. Развѣ ты не видѣлъ, (о Пророкъ,) что они по всѣмъ долинамъ бродятъ и что они говорятъ то, чего не дѣлаютъ? — кромѣ тѣхъ (изъ поэтовъ), которые увѣровали и совершали праведныя дѣянія и поминали Аллаха много, и защищали [своими стихами] (истинную вѣру и Пророка) послѣ того, какъ было посягательство [нападки поэтовъ-многобожниковъ] (на нихъ). И вскорѣ узнаютъ тѣ, кто творилъ ѕло, куда они вернутся!» — Сура «Поэты».
Представлены избранные стихи и пѣсни Владиміра Высоцкаго, нѣкоторыя исполнявшіеся имъ пѣсни другихъ авторовъ и подборка стиховъ и пѣсенъ о немъ, а также рядъ созвучныхъ его поэзіи стиховъ и пѣсенъ.
Стихи и пѣсни Владиміра Высоцкаго.«Я дышу, и значитъ — я люблю! Я люблю, и значитъ — я живу!» — Владиміръ Высоцкій.
П«Какъ призывный набатъ, прозвучали въ ночи тяжело шаги...»ѣсня о новомъ времени. |
A Song about the New Time.“Like a toll of the bell, late at night heavy footsteps resounded...” |
С«Сегодня не слышно біенья сердецъ...»ыновья уходятъ въ бой. |
Our Sons Go to the Battle.“Now no one can hear the pulsations of the hearts...” |
О«Почему все не такъ? Вродѣ все какъ всегда...»нъ не вернулся изъ боя. |
He Was Shot in the Fighting.“All goes wrong, although nothing has changed here of late...” |
We’re Turning the Earth.“From the frontier, we made the earth turn in reverse...” |
П«Въ дорогу — живо, или въ гробъ ложись!..»риговоренные къ жизни. |
Condemned to Life.“Man, take the road, or sink into the grave!..” |
A Song about the End of the War.“They’re making long tables of boards in the yard...” |
A Song about the Earth.“Is the Earth, as they say, burnt and dried?..” |
Hunting for Wild Boars.“Now the mud is too thick and impassable...” |
П«На границѣ съ Турціей или съ Туркестаномъ...»ѣсня о нейтральной полосѣ. |
A Song about the Neutral Zone.“On the Turkish or, perhaps, Turkestani border...” |
РАЙСКІЙ АЭРОДРОМЪ.«Мы летали подъ Богомъ, возлѣ самаго Рая...» |
THE HEAVENLY AIRFIELD.“Close to God we were flying, near Garden of Eden...” |
A Song about the Fallen Friend.“All the war I was longing...” |
SERVING THE ELEMENTS.“One serving the Four Elements shouldn’t be in a bustle...” |
A Hymn to the Sea and the Mountains.“Look, Fortune by herself has set the weather for our trip...” |
The Mist.“There are numerous marvels after this mist’s bewilderment...” |
The White Silence.“It’s in each and all centuries been thus on this earth...” |
To My Friends.“I haven’t discovered what is worthy on the Dry Land...” |
Ч«Былъ штормъ — канаты рвали кожу съ рукъ...»еловѣкъ за бортомъ. |
Man Overboard.“The rugged wind with hellish screeches sang...” |
A Ballad of the Ship’s Boy.“The rise was rose-colored and diverting...” |
A Farewell.“Having stayed for a while, ships put out to sea...” |
С«Вы въ огнѣ да и въ морѣ вовѣки не сыщете брода...»тановись морякомъ. |
Become a Seaman.“One won’t find a fordway in the fire, as well in the ocean...” |
Б«Капитана въ тотъ день называли на ты...»аллада о брошенномъ кораблѣ. |
A Ballad of the Abandoned Ship.“On that day each one said to the captain ‘Hey, man!..’” |
П«Въ суету городовъ и въ потоки машинъ...»рощаніе съ горами. |
A Farewell to the Mountains.“To the bustle of towns and the noise of thronged streets...” |
In the Mountains.“The mountains differ a lot from the plain...” |
Б«Замокъ временемъ срытъ и укутанъ, укрытъ...»аллада о времени. |
A Ballad of Time.“Time has brought down the castle and covered with grass...” |
П«Приподнимемъ чуточку за краешекъ...»ѣсня объ обиженномъ Времени. |
A Song about Hurt Time.“Let us lift the curtain at least a little bit...” |
БАЛЛАДА О БОРЬБѢ.«Только въ грезы нельзя насовсѣмъ убѣжать...» |
A BALLAD OF FIGHTING.“But one can’t live forever in his make-believe...” |
The Famous Regiment.“The colonel kissed the colors’ honored silk...” |
Б«Средь оплывшихъ свѣчей и вечернихъ молитвъ...»аллада о книжныхъ дѣтяхъ. |
A Ballad of the Children of Books.“In the world of burnt candles and obligatory prayers...” |
Б«Торопись — тощій грифъ надъ страною кружитъ!..»аллада о ненависти. |
A Ballad of Hatred.“When ye visit your forest this spring, ye will see...” |
An Eastern Parable.“Through all times — preceding, next and present...” |
A Ballad of the Free Archers.“If it’s happed that ye’re sold out...” |
О«Кто кончилъ жизнь трагически, тотъ истинный поэтъ...» фатальныхъ датахъ и цифрахъ. |
On Fatal Dates and Figures.“It’s known that a true poet meets a tragic culmination...” |
Tin Soldiers.“Still, there will be verse and mathematics...” |
В«Запоминайте: примѣты — это ерунда...»ооруженъ и очень опасенъ. |
Armed and Very Dangerous.“Keep it in mind: all signs don’t matter very much...” |
П«Истома ящерицей ползаетъ въ костяхъ...»ѣсня конченаго человѣка. |
The Goner’s Song.“There in my bones, just like a lizard, crawls prostration...” |
П«Была пора — я рвался въ первый рядъ...»ѣсня про первые ряды. |
A Song about the First Lines.“I strove for the first lines in bygone days...” |
The Mystery of Hippies.“We’ve left our homes for good and all...” |
MY HAMLET.“Sometime neat Truth will distinctly be in the ascendant...” |
П«Нѣжная Правда въ красивыхъ одеждахъ ходила...»ритча о Правдѣ и Лжи. |
A Parable of Truth and Lie.“Delicate Truth took a walk in a lovely apparel...” |
There’s a Rock in the Steppe.“There’s a rock in the steppe...” |
CHANCES.“And all around, our chances fly nearby, like bullets...” |
Be Thankful.“Don’t care if thou’rt a nail and not a hammer...” |
В«О вкусахъ не спорятъ: есть тысяча мнѣній...»се относительно. |
Everything Is Relative.“Each man to his taste: there are thousands of notions...” |
П«Стоялъ тотъ домъ, всѣмъ жителямъ знакомый...»ѣсня о старомъ домѣ. |
A Song of the Old House.“There stood a house known to the citizens all round...” |
ДОРОЖНАЯ ИСТОРІЯ.«Мой финишъ — горизонтъ, а это — край земли.» |
A ROAD STORY.“My target’s the horizon, the border of the earth.” |
П«Отбросивъ прочь свой деревянный посохъ...»ѣсня автомобилиста. |
The Motorist’s Song.“I threw my tested for long years staff off...” |
The Horizon.“The highway’s swept and washed, and I want you to curse...” |
About a Car Crash.“Maybe, ye’re crossing a road, safe and sound...” |
УГОЛОВНЫЙ КОДЕКСЪ.«Все ерунда, кромѣ суда самаго страшнаго.» |
THE CRIMINAL CODE.“One really can dare in our foe’s care — but till the Last Judgment Day.” |
С«У меня гитара есть — разступитесь, стѣны!..»еребряныя струны. |
The Silver Strings.“As I carry my guitar — walls, do separate!..” |
The Meter’s Ticking.“He said to us, ‘She verily is mine!’...” |
Т«Въ тотъ вечеръ я не пилъ, не пѣлъ...»отъ, кто раньше съ нею былъ. |
He, Who Was with Her Before.“I neither drank nor sang that night...” |
А«Передо мной любой факиръ — ну просто карликъ...»ппелляція. |
An Appeal.“There’s no fakir on Earth who could be my companion...” |
The Criminal Code.“Films touch not us, nor do it any prose...” |
П«Натъ Пинкертонъ — вотъ съ дѣтства мой кумиръ...»ѣсня сыщика. |
The Detective’s Song.“Nat Pinkerton’s a sleuth no one can beat...” |
WE HAVE GONE.“Sonny, listen to a tale, which wasn’t ever in print...” |
ПI. Слушай сказку, сынокъ... |
THE ESCAPE.I. Sonny, listen to a tale... |
Life Was Rushing.“I’m from Rostov the Great, and I’m a foundling...” |
МОЯ ЦЫГАНСКАЯ.«Нѣтъ, ребята, все не такъ! Все не такъ, ребята...» |
MY GYPSY SONG.“All is wrong beneath the moon, wrong and quite appalling!” |
Р«Въ тиши перевала, гдѣ скалы вѣтрамъ не помѣха...»азстрѣлъ горнаго эха. |
The Execution of the Mountain Echo.“Close to the dry stars, where the daredevils seek for their Mecca...” |
Г«Шелъ я, брелъ я, наступалъ то съ пятки, то съ носка...»русть моя, тоска моя. |
My Distress, My Sorrow.“I was walking, stepping first as on the heel as on the toe...” |
Ц«Камнемъ грусть виситъ на мнѣ, въ омутъ меня тянетъ...»ыганская пѣсня. |
A Gypsy Song.“Like a stone, hangs on my neck that melancholy damned...” |
THE MESSENGER.“And went out all the sadness that formerly was there...” |
The Messenger.“From behind distant hills, I know not where are those hills...” |
М«Вотъ послалъ Господь родителямъ сыночка...»ореплаватель-одиночка. |
The Navigator Single.“Once the Lord sent to some parents an odd sonny...” |
Я«Я изъ дѣла ушелъ, изъ такого хорошаго дѣла!..» изъ дѣла ушелъ. |
I Abandoned My Deal.“I abandoned my deal, though the business was quite advantageous...” |
ЖИЛЪ-БЫЛЪ ЧЕЛОВѢКЪ.«Онъ обиды зачерпнулъ полныя пригоршни...» |
THERE WAS ONCE A MAN.“In offense he walked knee-deep, sometimes was submerged he...” |
Paradise Apples.“Once I’ll certainly die, each of us reaches this destination...” |
ПѢСНЯ О РОССІИ.«Купола въ Россіи кроютъ чистымъ золотомъ...» |
A SONG OF ROSSIA.“In Rossia, cupolas are with pure gold covered...” |
The Wooden Clothing.“We’re more often jovial than filled with hate and loathing...” |
A Ballad of the Past.“I’m afraid I don’t know the precise...” |
О«Неправда, надъ нами не бездна, не мракъ...» знакахъ зодіака. |
About Signs of the Zodiac.“It’s lie that above us the gulf or the dark...” |
A Song about Notes.“I’ve come to know about the notes in full...” |
A Ballad of the Bath-House.“Send Thy blessing and absolution...” |
П«Тѣ вѣруютъ Мухаммаду, а эти — Іисусу...»ѣсенка о переселеніи душъ. |
A Song about the Transmigration of Souls.“Some people trust Muhammad, and some — Jesus for salvation...” |
ВЪ НАШЕЙ ЖИЗНИ МНОГО СТОРОНЪ.«Какъ честныхъ угадать навѣрняка мнѣ?» |
OUR LIFE HAS LOTS OF EDGES.“How to discern fair people with precision?” |
At the Masquerade.“I want to be awakened with all my soul...” |
About the Chinese Problem.“There are many so different nations on the Earth...” |
Don’t Be Sad!“If it’s happed that thou feel’st like hell...” |
The Envious Man’s Song.“My neighbour knows each corner in our land...” |
A Letter to “Incredible but True”.“Dearest television program!..” |
ВЪ НѢКОТОРОМЪ ЦАРСТВѢ.«Въ королевствѣ, гдѣ всегда было ладно...» |
IN A FARAWAY KINGDOM.“In a kingdom, where all was neat and quiet...” |
П«Въ королевствѣ, гдѣ всегда было ладно...»ѣсня о королевскомъ стрѣлкѣ. |
A Song about the King’s Shooter.“In a kingdom, where all was neat and quiet...” |
П«Прохода нѣтъ отъ этихъ начитанныхъ болвановъ...»ѣсня Гогера-Могера. |
The Song of Goger-Moger.“There’s no way of those well-read blockheads...” |
П«Я былъ такимъ, какъ вся дворовая шпана...»ро Сережку Ѳомина. |
About Sergey Thomin.“I grew up like all others pre-war youngsters...” |
Г«Изъ класса въ классъ мы вверхъ пойдемъ, какъ по ступенямъ...»ѵмнъ школѣ. |
A Hymn to School.“From class to class, we’ll go up as if on stairs...” |
М«Когда провалишься сквозь землю отъ стыда...»аршъ антиподовъ. |
The Antipodes’ March.“If it befalls the earth has swallowed thou up...” |
The King’s Procession.“We’re tight, bold and brave in our mighty formation...” |
СКАЗКА О ЛѢСНЫХЪ ЖИТЕЛЯХЪ.«На краю края земли, гдѣ небо ясное...» |
A TALE ABOUT THE WOOD DWELLERS.“At the world’s end, where the sky is free of clouds...” |
С«На краю края земли, гдѣ небо ясное...»казка о несчастныхъ лѣсныхъ жителяхъ. |
A Tale about the Ill-Fated Wood Dwellers.“At the world’s end, where the sky is free of clouds...” |
A Song-Tale about the Evil Forces.“There’s a thick protected forest...” |
THE DEMON DRINK.“It turned out that my health disappeared...” |
П«У вина достоинства, говорятъ, цѣлебныя...»ѣсня-сказка про джинна. |
A Song-Tale about the Djinni.“Wine’s quite healthy, people say, doctors recommend it...” |
П«Ой, гдѣ былъ я вчера — не найду, хоть убей...»утешествіе въ прошлое. |
A Travel to the Past.“Oh, that house where I was — I wouldn’t find it again...” |
THE NATURE RESERVE.“In a national reserve — I’ve forgotten its name...” |
Б«Трубятъ рога: „Скорѣй, скорѣй!..“»аллада о короткомъ счастьѣ. |
A Ballad of Short Happiness.“They blow the horns, ‘Make haste, make haste!..’” |
П«Въ заповѣдникѣ — вотъ въ какомъ, забылъ...»ѣсня-басня про Козла отпущенія. |
A Song-Fable about the Scapegoat.“In a national reserve — I’ve forgotten its name...” |
П«Жили-были въ Индіи съ древней старины...»ѣсня про бѣлаго слона. |
A Song about the White Elephant.“Far away in India, since the ancient times...” |
П«„Ѕмѣи, ѕмѣи кругомъ — будь имъ пусто!..“»ѣсенка про мангустовъ. |
A Song about the Mongooses.“‘Down with snakes! They’re indeed right and left there!..’” |
The Sea-Gull.“O’er the dark blue sea wave, there’s an ordinary flight of gulls soaring...” |
The Nature Reserve.“With animal droves, are swarming the woods...” |
КОНИ ПРИВЕРЕДЛИВЫЕ.«Но что-то кони мнѣ попались привередливые...» |
THE WAYWARD HORSES.“But my horses are so wayward, can’t do anything with it...” |
К«Вдоль обрыва, по-надъ пропастью, по самому я краю...»они привередливые. |
The Wayward Horses.“There’s a precipice beside me, on the brink of it I’m driving...” |
ОI. Погоня. («Во хмелю слегка...») |
BLACK EYES.I. The Chase. (“Driving through the woods...”) |
КТО ЗА ЧѢМЪ БѢЖИТЪ.«Красота: среди бѣгущихъ первыхъ нѣтъ и отстающихъ...» |
WHO FOR WHAT RUNS.“How it’s good when a beginner can be sure he’ll be the winner...” |
The Goalkeeper.“Yes, today I’m at my best, it’s not fallacious...” |
П«Мячъ затаился въ стриженой травѣ...»ѣсня про праваго инсайда. |
A Song about the Right Insider.“In the short grass, the ball keeps a low profile...” |
П«Какъ спортъ — поднятье тяжестей не ново...»ѣсня штангиста. |
The Weightlifter’s Song.“Weightlifting’s not a recent innovation...” |
The Long-Jumper’s Song.“What is it? Why do fans cry so loud?..” |
П«Разбѣгъ, толчекъ... И стыдно подыматься...»ѣсня прыгуна въ высоту. |
The High-Jumper’s Song.“I run, I push... And what a shame, by heaven!..” |
The Sentimental Boxer’s Song.“A bang, a bang, once more a bang...” |
Who For What Runs.“Four champions are running on the course...” |
The Tightrope Walker.“He didn’t ever for rank or for height hope...” |
ПѢСНЯ О ДРУЖБѢ.«Не знаю, какъ другіе, а я вѣрю, вѣрю въ друзей!» |
A SONG ABOUT FRIENDSHIP.“I judge not others, but I most sincerely believe in friends!” |
A Song about Friendship.“It happed so that our ways-roads are laid apart...” |
A Song about a Friend.“If it’s happed that ye’ve met a lad...” |
A BALLAD OF LOVE.“Art thou ready for Eden with me in a hut...” |
П«Какъ смогла не броситься, Марьюшка, въ рѣку ты...»ѣсня Марьюшки. |
The Song of Mar’yushka.“Where didst find thou, Mar’yushka, the strength to overcome it...” |
We Are Waiting for You.“It’s happened so that the men are gone out...” |
Б«Какой былъ балъ! Накалъ движенья, звука, нервовъ...»ѣлый вальсъ. |
The White Waltz.“Oh, what a ball was! Nerves, motion, sound were at the height...” |
A Ballad of Love.“When waters of the Great Flood reacquired...” |
A Lyrical Song.“Here spruce-branches shiver, suspended in sleep...” |
The Crystal House.“If King Neptune’s wealth belongs to me...” |
As for nice girls, they’re loved more often and fervently... |
A SAD LOVE SONG.“I’ll buy you any fancy gowns, and hats, and roses...” |
Catherine.“Give me a glance! My heart is broken, dear Catherine...” |
ДI. Она была чиста, какъ снѣгъ зимой... |
TWO LOVE SONGS.I. She was so beautiful, so stately and so grand... |
СЕМЕЙНЫЯ ДѢЛА.«Придержи свое мнѣніе: я глава — вѣдь мужчина я!» |
FAMILY AFFAIRS.“Man’s the boss and the principal, wife’s obedient and cordial!” |
С«А ну, отдай мой каменный топоръ!..»емья въ каменномъ вѣкѣ. |
A Family in the Stone Age.“Thou, silly, give me back my stone ax!..” |
С«Какъ-то вечеромъ патриціи...»емейныя дѣла въ Древнемъ Римѣ. |
Family Affairs in Ancient Rome.“Once patricians, in the evening...” |
П«Сто сарацинъ убито мной въ угоду ей...»ро любовь въ средніе вѣка. |
About Love in the Middle Ages.“I killed a hundred Saracens to glorify my dame...” |
П«Можетъ быть, кварту бьянкелло...»ро любовь въ эпоху Возрожденія. |
About Love in the Renaissance Epoch.“Once a dispirited painter...” |
A Dialogue in front of the Television.“‘Look, Vanya, honey, at these funny clowns!..’” |
DEAR FELLOWS SCIENTISTS.“Don’t send your little one to the physics college...” |
М«Тропы еще въ антиміръ не протоптаны...»аршъ студентовъ-фѵзиковъ. |
The Physical Students’ March.“Paths to the antiworld aren’t trodden even now...” |
М«Сильно захотѣвъ того, все жъ вы насъ не поймете...»аршъ космическихъ негодяевъ. |
The Space Villains’ March.“You won’t ever trust me, nor just grasp our situation...” |
Л«Не отдавайте въ фѵзики дѣтей...»екція о состояніи современной науки. |
A Lecture on the State of Modern Science.“Don’t send your little ones to the physics college...” |
ПѢСНЯ ОБЪ АНТИСЕМИТАХЪ.«Рѣшилъ я — и, значитъ, кому-то быть битымъ.» |
A SONG ABOUT THE ANTI-SEMITES.“As there’s a decision, some ones will be battered.” |
П«Чѣмъ воромъ считаться, а то и бандитомъ...»ѣсня объ антисемитахъ. |
A Song about the Anti-Semites.“To go on the highway, no strong reason see I...” |
THE INTERRUPTED FLIGHT.“Someone spotted a fruit that was green...” |
The Interrupted Flight.“Someone spotted a fruit that was green...” |
М«Мой черный человѣкъ въ костюмѣ сѣромъ!..»ой черный человѣкъ. |
The Appeal.“I can read ‘Dorian Gray’ or ‘Faustus’, however...” |
I Write to You.“My dear correspondents, thank you warmly...” |
Пѣсни другихъ авторовъ, которыя исполнялъ Владиміръ Высоцкій.«У насъ величайшая, лучшая въ мірѣ поэзія.» — Владиміръ Высоцкій.
П«Цыганка съ картами — дорога дальная...»о мотивамъ тюремныхъ пѣсенъ. Таганка. |
On the basis of prison songs. Taganka.“An old Gypsy with cards... Soon there’ll be a long trail...” |
І«Товарищъ Сталинъ, вы — большой ученый...»осифъ Алешковскій. Письмо Сталину. |
Iosif Aleshkovsky. A Letter to Stalin.“You comrade Stalin is an earnest scientist...” |
Д«Ахъ, поле, поле, поле...»аѵидъ Самойловъ. Солдатская пѣсня. |
David Samoylov. A Soldier Song.“Ah, thou field, ah, thou field!..” |
П«Мететъ поземокъ, въ крупныхъ хлопьяхъ...»ьеръ-Жанъ Беранже. Нищая. |
Pierre-Jean de Béranger. The Beggar-Woman.“Where the snowflakes whirl over yonder flags...” |
Ivan Turgenev. On the Road.“Gray is the morning, the morning is misty...” |
Я«Если я заболѣю, къ врачамъ обращаться не стану...»рославъ Смѣляковъ. Если я заболѣю. |
Yaroslav Smelyakov. If I’m Suddenly Sick.“If I’m suddenly sick, I’ll refuse to appeal to the doctors...” |
Sergey Yesenin. The Orphan.“Masha has a harsh stepmother...” |
Стихи и пѣсни о Владимірѣ Высоцкомъ.«Погибъ поэтъ! — невольникъ чести...» — Михаилъ Лермонтовъ.
Б«О Володѣ Высоцкомъ я пѣсню придумать рѣшилъ...»улатъ Окуджава. О Володѣ Высоцкомъ. |
Bulat Okudzhava. On Volodya Vysotsky.“I was going to write a good song on Volodya Vysotsky...” |
Н«Кони, кони, кони, кони...»еизвѣстный авторъ. На смерть Владиміра Высоцкаго. |
Anonymous. On the Death of Vladimir Vysotsky.“Horses, horses, horses, horses...” |
И«Какъ мы дружили, какъ рядомъ шли...»горь Кохановскій. Больше не встрѣчу. |
Igor Kokhanovsky. Shan’t Meet Again.“How good friends were we, how closely walked...” |
Ю«Пишу тебѣ, Володя, съ Садоваго кольца...»рій Визборъ. Письмо. |
Yury Vizbor. A Letter.“I write to thee, Volodya, these words from the Garden Ring...” |
Сайтъ созданъ Послѣднія измѣненія внесены 13 Марта 2025 г.Акбаромъ МухаммадомъПослѣднія измѣненія внесены 13 Марта 2025 г..Послѣднія измѣненія внесены 13 Марта 2025 г.