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Writings of Porphyry Ivanov.“Indeed, We offered the Trust (the acceptance of obligations and obedience to Allah) to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, and they declined to bear it and feared it; but man undertook to bear it.” — Surah “The Coalition”.

This publication presents selected works of Porphyry Ivanov and a selection of works about him and his teaching.

Объ этой публикаціи.

About this publication.


О Порфѵріи Ивановѣ.

On Porphyry Ivanov.

Writings of Porphyry Ivanov.“He who will take his place in Nature will live forever.” — Porphyry Ivanov.

ГѴМНЪ БОГУ.«Моя идея — это гѵмнъ Господу жизни.»

A HYMN TO GOD.“My idea is hymn to the Lord of life.”

Г«Былъ Христосъ для повѣрившихъ Богомъ...»ѵмнъ Богу.

A Hymn to God.“While Jesus, for his people, was God...”

Побѣда моя.

The Victory of Mine.


Dear Child.

СТИХИ.«Дѣдусь, разскажи намъ любимую сказку...»

POEMS.“Please tell us our favorite tale, dear grandpa...”

П«Гдѣ, скажите, есть такая сила...»рирода.

Nature.“Where is, tell me, the power...”

С«„Дѣдусь, разскажи намъ любимую сказку...“»казка.

A Tale.“‘Please tell us our favorite tale, dear grandpa...’”

Н«Лежалъ я въ уютной и теплой постелѣ...»езабываемое.

The Unforgotten.“I lay in a warm cosy bed, and my thoughts...”

В«Ты, вьюга, мглою проносилась...»ьюга.

The Blizzard.“The blizzard tore around in the dark...”

Знаю, что не разъ была воспѣта...

I know that my land not once...

Ты, вьюга ѕлая, мглой носилась...

Thou, blizzard, sweptest in the darkness...

ПРИТЧИ.«Это пишетъ Я и Моя рука правая.»

PARABLES.“This is being written by I and My right hand.”


The Man-Serpent.

О человѣкѣ и ѕвѣрѣ.

About the Man and the Beast.

О пророкѣ Іонѣ.

About the Prophet Jonah.

О близнецахъ.

About the Twins.

О пѣтушкахъ.

About the Cockerels.

О родахъ.

About the Childbirth.

Два брата.

The Two Brothers.

О постѣ.

About the Fast.

О лжи.

About Lie.

О вѣрности и неправдѣ.

About Fidelity and Untruth.

СКАЗКИ.«Въ одномъ королевствѣ, въ лѣсничествѣ...»

TALES.“In one kingdom, in a forestry...”

Дочь лѣсника.

The Forester’s Daughter.

Заколдованное кольцо.

The Magic Ring.

СТАТЬИ И ПИСЬМА.«Уважаемые товарищи ученые...»

ARTICLES AND LETTERS.“Dear fellows scientists...”

Обращеніе къ молодежи.

An Address to the Youth.

Письмо студентамъ.

A Letter to the Students.

Обращеніе къ ученымъ.

An Address to the Scientists.

Письмо въ Министерство здравоохраненія.

A Letter to the Department of Health.

Письмо Леониду Брежневу.

A Letter to Leonid Brezhnev.

Моя закалка.

My Tempering.

Что будетъ надо сдѣлать.

What Will Be Necessary to Do.

Жизнь человѣка зависитъ отъ Природы...

The life of man depends on Nature...

Я прошу и умоляю васъ, люди!

I ask and beg of you, people!

Низко кланяюсь и прошу васъ, люди...

I bow low and exhort you, people...

Какъ избавиться отъ заболѣваній и стать здоровымъ.

How to Get Rid of Diseases and Become Healthy.

Я помню Украинскаго президента...

I remember the Ukrainian President...

Надя много лѣтъ страдала...

Nadya suffered from disease...

Людямъ вѣрующимъ въ него.

To the People Who Trust in Him.

Человѣкъ легкаго характера сдѣлается...

Man will be a person of easy temper...

О Природѣ.

About Nature.


The Untruth.

Пять правилъ.

The Five Rules.



Works of Other Authors.“If you do not narrate my story, the stones will do.” — Porphyry Ivanov.

Валентина Сухаревская. Въ далекія времена...

Valentina Sukharevskaya. In days of yore...

Сергѣй Власовъ. Экспериментъ длиною въ полвѣка.

Sergey Vlasov. A Half a Century Experiment.

Алеѯѣй и Татьяна Бронниковы. Старайтесь и вѣрьте.

Alexey and Tatiana Bronnikovs. Do Your Best and Believe.

Анатолій Ѳокинъ. Я былъ въ твоихъ краяхъ...

Anatoly Fokin. I have been in thy region...

И«Природа, я иду въ тебя...»рина Воронцова. Природа.

Irina Vorontsova. Nature.“Dear Nature, into thee I walk...”

Ю«Слышу голосъ изъ Прекраснаго Далека...»рій Энтинъ. Прекрасное Далеко.

Yury Entin. The Stellar Future.“From the Stellar Future I have heard a low call...”

В«Мнѣ навстрѣчу попалась крестьянка...»ладиміръ Солоухинъ. Здравствуйте.

Vladimir Soloukhin. Health to You.“A peasant woman ran into me...”

Джеромъ К. Джеромъ. О Природѣ.

Jerome K. Jerome. About Nature.

Джеромъ К. Джеромъ. О тщеславіи.

Jerome K. Jerome. On Vanity.

Акбаръ Мухаммадъ. Два друга.

Akbar Muhammad. The Two Friends.

This site is created by Last modified on October 21, 2024.Akbar MuhammadLast modified on October 21, 2024..Last modified on October 21, 2024.