Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. Serving the Elements.

Commentary to the song “We put out to ocean...”

The original title of this song is “Save Our Souls!”

The song has much in common with the sailor song “The Submarine”, and there is a music video on the tragedy of “Kursk” to it.

And if we talk about “Kursk”, it is necessary to recall the song of the same name by the veteran of the submarine fleet Stanislav Slutsker, dedicated to her crew.

Judging by State power’s internal policy, its attitude towards the people has not changed since this song was written.

Stanislav Slutsker also wrote the song “The Steel Fellows” (2006), which is dedicated to Andrey Baburov.

Another close in spirit song is Alexander Gorodnitsky’s “The Submariners’ Song” (1966).

There is also Alexander Zharov’s song about the submariners, it is “A Good-Looking Girl” (1985).

Another good song is Sergey Grebennikov’s “The Tired Submarine” (1963).

Yury Vizbor also wrote a quite good song titled “A Song on the Submariners” (1970).

The words “to protect our honor and the planet aflame” are an allusion to Rudyard Kipling’s words from “The Canadian Memorial”.

The song was written for the film “The Different Opinion” (1967), performed in the play of the Taganka Theater “A House on the Embankment”.

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