Commentary to foreword.

Commentaries reflect cases of the significant changes in the presented texts of poems and songs by Vladimir Vysotsky and, as a rule, cases of the changes in the pre­sent­ed texts of works by other authors.

About the deterioration of the Russian language, following the orthographic reforms, were written in detail by Alexander Polovinkin in the article “Chang­ing the Language Is a Catastrophe for Nation”, by Valentin Asmus in “A Brief Guide to the Old Russian Orthography”, and also by other authors, whose works are presented in “A Collection of Articles about Russian National Spelling” (all these works are in Russian).

Here are several good dictionaries for those who learn Russian: “Dictionary of Church Slavonic and Russian” compiled by the Second Division of the Im­pe­ri­al Acad­e­my of Sciences, “The Complete Church Slavonic Dictionary” compiled by Gregory Dyachenko, and “Dictionary of the Russian Bookish and Spo­ken Language on the Basis of Old Written Records” compiled by Izmail Sreznevsky.

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