Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. In a Faraway Kingdom.

Commentary to “The Song of Goger-Moger”.

This song could be performed on his behalf by Nikita Khrushchev, as well as by any of the successors of his business, both from the past and the present. And the offensive words, which the hero of the song says about the poets who wield power, relate to Joseph Dzhu­ga­shvili, who implemented a national-oriented policy.

Here is his poem “The Lay Brother”, where he wrote about his obedience to the Creator:

It’s time to tell some words my future judges:
Of course, in many cases I wasn’t right!
But I didn’t regulate what came about,
I always felt myself in someone’s sight.

I had no chance for resting nor for sleeping,
He lived in me and ruled from the inside.
And, as a bondman of the worldwide spirit,
I held the reins both fast and bona fide.

Who was this One, my enigmatical master?
Wherefore His will through me had to perform?
Of the new road a sedulous disciple,
His orders I fulfilled with heart and soul.

And everything was then incomprehensible:
Where did came from will, spirit and great force?
My words came true — our foe became prostrated,
We utterly defeated his black hordes.

And only then, at that victorious spring-time,
He uttered very softly in my ear,
“All of My orders thou hast fulfilled now,
And peace deserved by thee is very near.”

The portrait painted in the song is very accurate. But what Paul Roberts wrote in the article “Provocations Have a History of Escalating into War” is fair, as well as what Andrei Raevsky wrote in the article “Progress report on the U.S.-Rossian war”; and let us not forget that when “Goger-Moger” came to power, Rossia was on the verge of disintegration.

Here it is pertinent to recall Igor Strelkov’s “Parable” (this parable is in Russian). How good it would be if the author turned out to be wrong...

Post scriptum. It looks like the author was right, as in 2023 he was arrested, and then sen­tenced to imprisonment in a penal colony for four years without sufficient grounds.

And here it is pertinent to mention that the role model of the person symbolized by the hero of the song is Peter I, who started the process of eradicating the Russian spirit at the state level, and who was called the Antichrist by the people. But, in his en­deav­or to establish life in Rossia, Peter I invited European officers, scientists and all kinds of capable people; and dur­ing the rule of his admirer, the country became flooded with savages from Transcaucasia and Central Asia — and in the light of this, it looks strange his love of the poetry of Vladimir Vy­sot­sky, who was a true Russian, although he was not Russian by nationality.

It is also surprising his reverent attitude to the personality and legacy of Boris Yeltsin, about whom Vladimir Vysotsky wrote in the poems “In one power...” and “There was a sov­er­eign...”, here is the latter:

There was a sovereign

In a certain time,

Who had off-hand manners

And had no mind.

His enthusiasm for the digitization everything that is possible and admiration for the imag­i­nary power of artificial intelligence are also suggestive...

Is not this person was sung about that “he’s not ours, he’s not from the ocean” in a song pop­u­lar among Soviet teenagers, “Our port was often visited by ships...”?

That song is not as simple as it seems at first sight (pretty Mary can symbolize both Rossia and the whole world).

Post scriptum. We cannot exclude the possibility that the events described in the song have already happened in 2003 (the author of this publication does not consider the described per­son to be guilty of the crash of Yevgeny Prigozhin’s airplane), but this does not exclude the possibility of repeating similar events in the future.

The song was written in 1978 for the play of the Taganka Theater “Turandot or, The Con­gress of Whitewashers”.

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