The Russian Keyboard Layout.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
There is the problem of incompatibility of the computer keyboard with the Russian alphabet arisen as a result of the rejection of domestic developments and the transition to foreign keyboards, designed for using the Latin alphabet. This alphabet contains only 26 letters, while there are 36 letters in the traditional Russian one (without regard for the letters “zelo”, “ksi” and “psi”, which were abolished unfoundedly, and also the additional letter “yo” and desirable additional letters “o” with dieresis, “u” with dieresis and “e” with dieresis). It is obvious that it is impossible to place Russian letters, the main punctuation marks and non-letter spelling marks that are used in Russian writing, and digits on the 47 keys of the main field of the standard Latin keyboard. On addition of only 2 keys to the main field, what increases the number of the character keys up to 49 (as it is in the Brazilian and Japanese mechanical layouts, and the keyboards of the Soviet-made microcomputers contained up to 53 character keys), it becomes possible to place the main letters of the Russian alphabet and the most necessary punctuation marks and non-literal spelling marks of the Russian script in the standard way. And since digits are used much less frequently than punctuation marks and non-literal spelling marks, it is possible to made them the upper characters (as it is in the French layout).
Such a layout is realized in the Multilingual Virtual Keyboard ¹), where it goes well together with the English-German-Turkish ²) layout ³):
And here is how the international version of this keyboard looks:
The characters of green color are typed when the Alteration key is held down, the characters of blue color — when the Alteration and Shift keys are held down.
Saint-Petersburg, Rossia.
¹)This keyboard works in the Google Chrome web browser, requires the FreeSerif and Times New Roman font families.
²)The Turkish layout also means the Tatar and Azerbaijani layouts.
³)In both layouts, when you press the key 11, the em dash is typed, if the Shift key is held down — the en dash is typed, if the Alteration key is held down — the underscore is typed, if the Alteration and Shift keys are held down — the figure dash is typed. When you press the keys 12, 33, 36 and 48, if the Alteration and Shift keys are held down — the low asterisk, the horizontal line (a line-drawing character), the white bullet and the middle dot, respectively, are typed.
This page is created by Last modified on October 12, 2022.Akbar MuhammadLast modified on October 12, 2022..Last modified on October 12, 2022.