On Porphyry Ivanov.

While Jesus, for his people, was God,
He came as the God of the Earth.
He shall banish death for all times,
And, into the glory, bring life.

People, on the high place, will commence
God’s work, and declare with one voice,
“’Tis really our Paradise place.
“To God all the glory belongs!”

Porphyry Ivanov. A Hymn to God.

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

One day I learned about a man who conquered Nature with his love of her, wrought wonders, and healed people. He prophesied that in the near future there will come a messenger from the East, and said that people must wor­ship Al­lah, glorious and exalted is He, love each other and love their Mother Na­ture. And there was no peace in my heart until I realized that Porphyry Kor­neyevich Ivanov, peace be upon him, is the God of the Earth, who was spoken through the Prophet Isaiah and Saint John, peace be upon them, and promised by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, saying, “The religion began strange, and it will become strange again just like it was at the begin­ning, so blessed are the strangers who restore what the people corrupt of my Sunnah.”

Like to what took place two thousand years ago, Porphyry Ivanov, peace be upon him, washed those who wished with natural water, and appealed to peo­ple to make ready the way of the messenger to come. He cried in the hu­man wil­der­ness during fifty years calling people to serve Allah, glorious and ex­alt­ed is He, dressed in knee shorts only all the year round, but people laughed at him, put him into prisons and mental hospitals. And they were not amazed at wonders he wrought.

The God of the Earth often spoke and wrote in parables, and many of his words require interpretation. He could not manifest that he was a mes­sen­ger of Allah and spoke on his behalf, because in the Soviet Union it was pro­hib­it­ed to spread religion, especially Islam. And he declared his pro­phet­ic mis­sion, say­ing, “Do understand ye not who am I, but who is He Who is in me.”

And how outstanding was the fate of Porphyry Ivanov, peace be upon him! Borned as a Christian, he passed trying ordeals and became the God of the Earth, through whom the best religion was again offered to all the nations. And he said about his path, “I passed the river of death from the source to the mouth.”

Porphyry Ivanov, peace be upon him, narrated about his life in his diaries. He left about three hundred notebooks with his articles, poems, parables and tales. He said that he writes for the messenger to come, but on the other hand, asked of us to read and study what he wrote.

He attached great importance to three of his works: “A Hymn to God”, “The Victory of Mine” and “Dear Child”, and the most important among them is the hymn. Porphyry Ivanov, peace be upon him, asked to start telling about him from this hymn, and said about its significance, “To­day eve­ry­thing is in the hymn. It must sound throughout the whole world. Peace up­on all the earth.” He also said that there is a secret in the hymn, which must be un­closed, and pre­sent­ed here translation of its meanings reflects my un­der­stand­ing of this work, which corresponds to the words of the Holy Proph­et Mu­ham­mad, peace be upon him, saying, “Allah will bring out from con­ceal­ment al-Mahdi from my family and just before the day of Judgment; even if only one day were to remain in the life of the world, and he will spread on this earth justice and equity and will erad­i­cate tyranny and oppression.” And he said that the Mahdi, in the beginning of his mission, will be recognized near the Holy Kaaba.

The word “kaaba” in Arabic literally means a high place with respect and pres­tige, and the words “the high place” in the hymn mean the Sacred Mosque, where, in its central court­yard, the Holy Kaaba is sit­u­at­ed; and the words “He came as the God of the Earth” mean that Por­phy­ry Ivanov, peace be upon him, is he who was spoken through the Proph­et Isa­iah and Saint John, peace be upon them.

I have selected for this publication the most important, in my opinion, works of Por­phy­ry Ivanov, peace be up­on him, and also included in works about him and his teaching, written by other authors.

Akbar Muhammad.

Saint Petersburg, Rossia.

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