Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. The Demon Drink.

Such a plumber you haven’t seen for ages...

Such a plumber you haven’t seen for ages,
Money burnt in my pocket like hell,
As I got very good monthly wages
And a quarterly bonus as well.

If a person’s able to drink like a beau,
He assuredly earns lots of wealth.
And besides my true love left at home,
Here, in Moscow, I had two girlfriends.

To my love, I sent letters and presents,
Those girls got champagne and myself.
Every evening I spent like a penance,
Then till morning I suffered like hell.

It turned out that my health disappeared,
And at work I wasn’t able to excel,
That my physical end quickly neared,
With the end of my welfare as well.

There were rings round my eyes and deep wrinkles.
“Farewell, girls!” they heard from myself.
“Find another lad, wealthy and simple,
No one thing is more precious than health!”

My decision was so advantageous!
One can see that I really feel swell —
I alone drink away monthly wages
And a quarterly bonus as well!


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