Poems and Songs of Vladimir Vysotsky. The Criminal Code.

The Card-Sharpers.

Yesterday we played a game

 gone on from the previous day,

With the right amount of trumps, as all regarded.

No one could call our game bad —

 each one got just what he’d had —

We were pleased, and then again our playing started.

But on a sudden they appeared and said, “Good day!”
We waited not for them — in spite of that they’ve come...
And though there are different cards of the four suits to play,
They snatch all of the kings and aces in each round!

From the very morn we’ve played

 an unfavorable game —

The right way to play till now isn’t discovered!

So they beat us being glad,

 their good fortune makes us sad,

But the aces by the trumps are always covered!

So on a sudden they appeared and said, “Good day!”
We waited not for them — in spite of that they’ve come...
And though there are different cards of the four suits to play,
They snatch all of the kings and aces in each round!

The unequal game we play —

 all our coins may be taken.

While their cards are good, we’re left to weep for chances.

With a chatter of their teeth,

 they make haste to finish with

All the game, and revel in the gained advances.

So on a sudden they appeared and said, “Good day!”
We waited not for them — in spite of that they’ve come...
And though there are different cards of the four suits to play,
They snatch all of the kings and aces in each round!

But our guests make haste in vain —

 there will be another game!

It’s a pity that the night is dark and rainy.

But let Fortune laughs at us,

 and we can’t descry the path,

We’ll for certain settle accounts with this lady!

So on a sudden they appeared and said, “Good day!”
We waited not for them — in spite of that they’ve come...
But from the present different cards of the four suits to play,
We’ll get all of the kings and aces in this round!
We’ll get all of the kings and aces in this round!


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